
Authentication failed due to the following reason: XXXAuthentication failed when the API was called. The reason is displayed for "XXX".
Access to this API is not available for your accountAppears when calling an API that you do not have permission to use.
Failed to send messagesAppears when the message fails to be sent. One reason this may appear is if the user ID specified doesn't exist.
You have reached your monthly limit.Exceeded the number of free messages.Exceeded your maximum number of additional messages allowed to be sent.For more information about the number of free messages and the maximum number of additional messages allowed to be sent, see Messaging API pricing in the Messaging API documentation.
Not foundUnable to get profile information. Consider these reasons:Target user ID doesn't existThe user hasn't consented to their profile information being obtainedThe user hasn't added the target LINE Official Account as a friendThe user blocked the target LINE Official Account after adding it as a friendFor more information, see Consent on getting user profile information in the Messaging API documentation
Unsupported message type.仅支持文本、图片、视频类型消息;暂时不支持附件类型
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